Toyo Proxes TQ Tire Pressure Chart

Toyo Proxes TQ tire pressure chart has a total of 6 tire sizes with a maximum tire inflation range of 44 to 44 psi and a maximum tire load capacity range of 1433 to 2095 pounds.

Select Toyo Proxes TQ tire size to locate its greatest tire load limit at its predetermined tire inflation. Tire load limit and tire inflation settings may differ based on tire load range or ply rating. Check Toyo Proxes TQ tire sidewall for more information. Remember that psi esteem imprinted on the tire sidewall is the maximum tire pressure that Toyo Proxes TQ tire can be inflated to at its related maximum weight limit, and not really the suggested tire pressure for your vehicle. Never over-burden or over-inflate Toyo Proxes TQ tires past the maximum tire load limit and maximum tire inflation values demonstrated on the tire sidewall.

Tire Size Tire Size Type Tire Load Index Tire Speed Rating Maximum Tire Load Maximum Dual Tire Load Maximum Tire Inflation


P-Metric 98 1654 lbs no data 44 psi Show Specs


P-Metric 93 1433 lbs no data 44 psi Show Specs


P-Metric 94 1478 lbs no data 44 psi Show Specs


P-Metric 93 1433 lbs no data 44 psi Show Specs


P-Metric 95 1522 lbs no data 44 psi Show Specs


P-Metric 106 2095 lbs no data 44 psi Show Specs

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